Geografía de Zimbabwe.- Limita al norte con Zambia y Mozambique, al sur con Botswana y la República Sudafricana, al este con Mozambique y al oeste con Botswana.
Su relieve está compuesto por dos amplias mesetas: la oriental, Mashonalandia, que desciende hacia el valle del Zambeze; y la occidental, Matabelelandia, que lo hace hacia la depresión de Botswana. En el este, los montes Inyanga alcanzan los 2593 mts de altitud en el monte Inyangani.
Los ríos principales son el Zambeze; el Limpopo, el Sabi y el Lundi. Los lagos más importantes son el Kariba y el Kyle.
El clima es tropical seco, con una temperatura media anual de 19º C.
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Zimbabwe profile
The fortunes of Zimbabwe
have for almost three decades been tied to President Robert Mugabe, the
pro-independence campaigner who wrested control from a small white
community and became the country's first black leader.
Until the 2008 parliamentary elections, Zimbabwe was effectively a one-party state, ruled over by Mr Mugabe's Zanu-PF.A power-sharing deal agreed after the polls raised hopes that Mr Mugabe might be prepared to relinquish some of his powers.
The partnership was shaky and often acrimonious, but the coalition has succeeded in agreeing a new draft constitution, to be submitted to a referendum before the next elections, due in 2013.
In the meantime, Mr Mugabe presides over a nation whose economy is still in tatters, where poverty and unemployment are endemic and political strife and repression commonplace.
For years it was a major tobacco producer and a potential bread basket for surrounding countries.
But the forced seizure of almost all white-owned commercial farms, with the stated aim of benefiting landless black Zimbabweans, led to sharp falls in production and precipitated the collapse of the agriculture-based economy. The country has endured rampant inflation and critical food and fuel shortages.
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At a glance
- Politics: President Robert Mugabe, in office since 1980, agreed to an historic power-sharing deal with the opposition in September 2008, following months of political turmoil. Relationship has been troubled
- Economy: Economy appears to be stabilising after years of crisis with rampant inflation, "de-industrialisation" and shortages of food and fuel. Agricultural production has shrunk
- International: Hopes that political deal will alleviate international isolation
Many Zimbabweans survive on grain
handouts. Others have voted with their feet; hundreds of thousands of
Zimbabweans, including much-needed professionals, have emigrated.
Aid agencies and critics partly blame food shortages on the
land reform programme. The government blames a long-running drought, and
Mr Mugabe has accused Britain and its allies of sabotaging the economy
in revenge for the redistribution programme. The government's urban slum demolition drive in 2005 drew more international condemnation. The president said it was an effort to boost law and order and development; critics accused him of destroying slums housing opposition supporters.
The former Rhodesia has a history of conflict, with white settlers dispossessing the resident population, guerrilla armies forcing the white government to submit to elections, and the post-independence leadership committing atrocities in southern areas where it lacked the support of the Matabele people.
Zimbabwe has had a rocky relationship with the Commonwealth - it was suspended after President Mugabe's controversial re-election in 2002 and later announced that it was pulling out for good.
Zimbabwe - New Era?
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